Thursday, December 8, 2011

Get A Toned Body Like A 'Sex In The City' Star

We all love the well toned bodies of our fav "Sex in The City" stars, now you can be well on your way to having one of your on. Kristin Davis one of the stars of the hit show gives Fitness Magazine and you a step by step on how she stays fit with her full-body toning routine.

Squat with Leg Lift  Targets: but and legs

  • Stand about 3 feet behind a chair with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointing forward, arms by sides.
  • Lower into a squat as you bend forward from hips and reach arms to lightly hold seat back in front of you so that your back and arms are parallel to floor. (Keep shoulders down so that blades kiss in back and knees behind toes; squat no lower than 90 degrees.) 
  • Maintaining bent-over position of torso with arms extended, straighten legs and lift left leg, toes pointed, behind you so that it's parallel to floor.
  • Return to squat and repeat.
  • Do 30 reps. (MAKE IT EASIER: Do 15.)
  • Switch legs, repeat. 
 Shoulder Rotation Target: Shoulders
  •   Stand with feet hip-width apart and raise straight arms directly out to sides slightly below shoulder level, palms facing up and fingers spread apart.
  • Keeping arms stretched out to sides and without twisting wrists, rotate arms forward at shoulder joint until palms face behind you. Really reach outward with fingertips throughout move and keep shoulders down.
  • Rotate arms back to start position to complete 1 rep.
  • Do 30 reps. 
 Iron Jumping Jack Targets: Shoulders, abs, and legs
  •  Stand with feet together, holding a 2-pound dumbbell in each hand, elbows bent so that weights are in front of shoulders, palms facing each other.
  • Jump feet out to sides, landing with feet wide, as you press dumbbells overhead to form a V-shape with arms.
  • Lower weights to shoulders as you jump feet together.
  • Do 30 reps. 
 Scissor Crunch Targets: Abs and obliques
  •  Lie face up on floor, legs extended with toes pointed, right leg crossed over left at ankles.
  • Place hands lightly behind head, elbows bent out to sides, and pull in abs as you crunch up.
  • Do 10 reps. Switch legs (cross left leg over right) and repeat. 
 Plank Reach Targets: Back, abs, and obliques
  •  Start on floor in plank position, balancing on forearms and toes, forming a straight line from head to heels.
  • Lift right arm off floor and extend it forward at shoulder height as you lift left leg behind you so that it's parallel to floor, toes pointed. Hold for 10 counts, then lower to return to plank. (MAKE IT EASIER: Raise right arm, hold for 10 counts, lower. Raise left leg, hold for 10 counts, lower.)
  • Switch sides and repeat to complete 1 rep. Do 10 reps. 
Add some music to the routine to make it a little more fun. Set tha tone for a sexier more tone you.

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