Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Want A Sexy Midsection? Try These Top 5 Ab Exercises!

 Most women find it extremely hard and frustrating to lose the fat around their bellies especially after having a baby. It almost becomes depressing to see a woman walk by in a sexy mid drift top with flat toned abs and you look down at yourself to see rolls and muffin top poking out of your T shirt. All women want a sexy midsection but most have no clue on what type of routine works best at getting one.

Here are the top 5 ab exercises  you can do to put you on your way to sexy mid section.

1 - Bicycle Crunches

The idea is to mix both the lower and the upper abs in one exercise. You fully extend out one leg while the other is bent and you touch your opposite elbow to the bent leg as if you are doing a twisting crunch. Then you repeat for the other side without taking any rest or dropping your torso back down so the whole time you are doing them your upper body is in a crunch position. It may be tough but with practice you'll get the hang of it.

2 - Hanging Knee Raise

The hanging knee raise is the best exercise for the lower abs by far. Your legs are quite heavy objects and using your abs to lift them up and then to do a reverse crunch is an excellent method of targeting and punishing the lower abs.The hanging knee raise should be done slowly whilst hanging from a chin up bar. Never swing your legs in place instead the motion should be controlled and your abs should be tensed throughout the whole ROM.

3 - Fitness Ball Crunches

Fitness ball crunches take the pressure off of your back and target your abs so well that the other muscles that usually come in to play during a crunch are left alone. This is a great thing for people who are struggling to get the movements right. This exercise also minimizes the work on your waist so if you already have a big waist, you don't have to worry about it getting any bigger.When you get the motion of the fitness ball crunch right you are in for some serious growth. The idea is to roll the ball backwards as you crunch down so that your butt gets closer to the ground and then do the opposite on the reverse part.

4 - The Decline Crunch

If you have a decline sit up board at your gym you should use it every time you train your abs. Doing a sit up or a crunch on a decline board is one of the best ways to to work your abs harder and it is a very effective exercise for strengthening your mid section.
There are several different ways to mix up this exercise to make it more fun For example, you can:
  • alter the height of the board
  • do a crunch or a full sit up
  • add a twist to the top of the motion
  • add a weight to your chest
  • perform super slow declines

5 - Sprinting

Real Women's Fitness says sprinting is a great abs exercise. It is a mixture of the faster weight loss and the massive amounts of hormones that are released when the fast running is done. Also, the art of running is quite beneficial to the abs.

Try these 5 ab workout methods and watch those muffin tops burn right off!

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