Monday, February 27, 2012

Lower Abs Workout Routine

Tips on Good Lower Ab Workouts

Alternate Toe-Touching
To perform alternate toe touching, lie down on your back. Now, lift your legs from the floor and form a ninety degree angle with them and your upper body. Next, raise your shoulders and head off the floor and facing the ceiling, try to touch your right foot with your left hand. All this while, the legs should not bend at all and the hips should be firmly placed on the floor. Come back to the starting position and this time, touch the left foot with the right hand, by raising your upper body, as much as you can. Aim for three sets of ten repetitions each.

One of the best lower ab workouts, to perform this exercise, lie down on your back on an exercise mat. Next, lift your shoulders, head and your feet two to three inches off the ground. Now, lifting your upper body towards the ceiling and bending your knees simultaneously, as if to form a V with your upper body and thighs, try to bring your knees as close to the chest as you can. Hold the position for a few seconds and then come back to the starting position. Aim for three sets of ten repetitions each.

Floor Cycling
Floor cycling should be included in good lower ab workouts for men as well as women. To perform floor cycling, lie down on your back. Next, bend your knees and place them on your chest. Keep your hands behind the head and raise your shoulders a few inches off the floor. Now, straighten one of your legs so that it becomes parallel to the floor. At the same time, turn your upper body so that you can touch your elbow with the opposite knee on the chest. Repeat the same with the other leg. Continue this exercise in quick succession, alternating between both the legs. Aim for three sets of ten repetitions each.

Leg Raises
All good lower ab workouts for women should include this lower abdominal exercise. To perform leg raises, lie down on your back on an exercise mat. Now, place your hands below your hips for support. Next, without bending your legs, raise them off the floor, till the sole of your feet is facing the ceiling. Bring the legs down, again without bending and stop around two to three inches above the floor. Again raise the legs and bring them down. Repeat this exercise continuously and make sure that at no point should your legs touch the ground. Aim for three sets of 12-15 repetitions of this exercise.

To perform crunches as part of your good lower ab workouts at home, lie down on the floor on your back. Next, raise your knees and keep the feet flat on the ground. Cross your hands behind the head and looking upwards, raise your upper body as much as you can, towards the knees. Come back to the starting position. Aim for three sets of 12-15 repetitions each of this exercise.
To make your good lower ab workouts effective, make sure that you eat a healthy, balanced abs diet. Drink lots of water too, throughout the day as well as in between exercising to keep the body hydrated and to remove wastes from it. In short, if you want a flat abdomen, exercise daily, curb your calorie intake, eat healthy and drink lots of water!

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