Thursday, February 2, 2012


The consumption of unhealthy processed, fatty, sugar laced foods is one of the main reasons that people are overweight. In order to get rid of your love handles you must get rid of the foods responsible for helping  you to put on weight. Processed and packaged foods will without a doubt increase your body fat percentage. Foods such as sweets, junk foods, deep fried foods and foods with too much sugar or salt in it will inevitably result in you putting on weight and adding to your love handles. If you really want to lose your love handles then you must get rid of these processed, packaged junk foods from your diet. Instead replace it with foods directly from mother nature that are rich in nutrients. Your diet should consist mainly of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, meats and fish, providing you with mother natures life giving energy. Eat the right foods and you will burn fat, increase your metabolism and lose your love handles. Eat the wrong foods and you will put on more weight and increase the size of your love handles. It’s as simple as that. 

JUMPING ROPE – Boxers, kick-boxers and martial artists are some of the fittest people throughout the world. Skipping is one of their core conditioning tools that they use to not only keep fit but also to keep lean and agile. The lighter and fitter you are, the longer you can last in the ring and the quicker you will be on your feet. Your metabolism will increase as a result and you will burn fat throughout the day. Try skipping on a daily basis for just 5 minutes every morning & I bet you will not only feel better and more energetic throughout the day, but also start losing weight quickly. What I suggest is for you to either time yourself or count the amount of skips you get. Each day either increase the time you skip for or increase the amount of skips you complete. The key is consistent gradual progression.

THE ABDOMINAL BICYCLE – This exercise is absolutely fantastic. It tones and strengthens the rectus abdominus (six pack muscles) as well as the obliques (muscles around and under your love handles).
  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and your lower back pressed into the ground.
  • Place your fingers behind your head for support
  • Twist your upper body to the left, bringing your right elbow and your left knee together, whilst simultaneously straightening your right leg
  • Then straighten your left leg whilst simultaneously twisting your upper body to the right and bringing your right knee and left elbow together
  • Continue this motion. Make sure you lift your shoulder blades off the floor without pulling on your neck
  • Alternate sides for a total of 10 reps (5 reps per side). Focus on quality rather than quantity & do the movement slowly for maximum results. Do 3-4 sets.
THE PLANK – This exercise is awesome to build endurance and strength in your abdominal and back as well as the surrounding muscles helping to support your spine.
  • Lie face down, resting on your forearms, palms on the floor
  • Push off the floor, raising onto your toes and resting on your elbows
  • Keep your back flat and body as straight as possible, head to toe
  • Tilt your pelvis & tense your abs to prevent your butt from sticking up or sagging in the middle
  • Hold for 30 to 60 seconds. If you can’t then start at a time that you can and gradually increase a few seconds each time you perform the exercise. You will be able to to a full minute before you know it.
  • Do 3-4 sets giving yourself at least 30 seconds rest in between

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